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About Live Arbing

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About Live Arbing

Wed Jun 25, 2014 8:50 am

Hi, Pros
I have go through all the live arb articles here but still have ambiguous concept about Live arbing. Here are some question:
1. Do you just sit before computer looking for all the game?
    Does it mean one should pay 2 hours for an arb?
    It seems a very time consuming work, does it?
2. If there is a arb happened in 30min, and a second arb happened in 60min.
    Will you bet the 2ed arb even it's at the same two bookies?
    In pr-arb, we will bet a game only once to prevent limit.
    Does this rule the same in live-arb?

Thanks for your experience.
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Re: About Live Arbing

Wed Jun 25, 2014 9:49 am

1) Usually it takes secs to find an arb
2) That's not an arb ,  that's live trading
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Re: About Live Arbing

Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:11 am

cortomaltese wrote: 1) Usually it takes secs to find an arb
2) That's not an arb ,  that's live trading
Thanks for your reply, but I still not get it.

1)Which situation is more close to your meaning?
  a)When the game has played for 52min. I sit down and open the arb service, then I can find an arb in seconds.
  b)When game just start, the arb happens in next few seconds then gone.

2)Maybe my question is not clear. Take an example:
  At time 30min, I arb at Pinnacle and 365, for AH arb.
  At time 60min, I arb at Pinnacle and 365, for OU arb.
  Would you do this kind of action?

extend to more general question:
"What action must NOT to do in Live-arb in order to prevent limit?"
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Re: About Live Arbing

Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:51 am

1) What i meant is that depending on your arb service , filters you implement and bookies you use finding live arbs could be a matter of seconds , only with experience and improving your skills you ll be able to choose what arbs to use and what to let it go
2) Of course no problem with that

I don't think there's anything you can do to avoid limits , they will come eventually , hopefully later that pregame arbing
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Re: About Live Arbing

Thu Jun 26, 2014 3:38 pm

cortomaltese wrote: I don't think there's anything you can do to avoid limits , they will come eventually , hopefully later that pregame arbing
Maybe there are some actions that will let limit come immediately?
That's I want to avoid.
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Re: About Live Arbing

Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:02 pm

hohooh wrote:
cortomaltese wrote: I don't think there's anything you can do to avoid limits , they will come eventually , hopefully later that pregame arbing
Maybe there are some actions that will let limit come immediately?
That's I want to avoid.
Depending on bookie if you take a late bet , or a pulp error bet can lead to immediate limitation

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