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Arbusers move money from shit books to sharp books, so...

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Arbusers move money from shit books to sharp books, so...

Sun May 18, 2014 12:53 pm

so it would be a good idea to bet only on shit books ( arb bets) and don't cover the bet in sharp. On long term that should be a profitable solution. The question is someone do this and if yes what profit ca we expect?
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Re: Arbusers move money from shit books to sharp books, so...

Sun May 18, 2014 7:17 pm

This subject was discussed 9898927429 times before :D

It's called value betting. It's guaranteed by laws of math that you will make profit over long haul but the vital question is, do you have The Three Steels*? Will you be able to stay patient, disciplined after disastrous losing streaks? Even if you bet super value odds, still you're prone to losing streaks.

*The Three Steels: A Bankroll of steel (a big bankroll), Nerves of steel aaand Balls of steel!
Last edited by Yngwie on Sun May 18, 2014 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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