Hello @DonkeyKong!DonkeyKong wrote: Hey, I purchased betburgers today, and I was wondering about the diff books filter. If I check this filter, will I still get arbs where there are two bets on pinnacle/sbo/exchanges and only one on my softbook?
Is this something I can filter out? Because I would like to see 3way arbs where I put two bets on pinnacle and one on WH for example. But I don't need those where I can bet two on WH and one on pinnacle.
Thank you for contacting us on our forum! We are always ready to help!
That is really possible. You just have to select the bookie you need in "Required bookmakers" (Marathon on the screenshot) and in "All bookmakers" tick only Pinnacle/Sbo/Exchanges on. Then, on the main page click "Diff books".
If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us here.
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BB Team