Comparing services and offers

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Re: Comparing services and offers

Thu Oct 17, 2019 4:22 pm

Same on other agents. Seems asia no longer wants european volume, they only need their bets to adjust their odds.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Thu Oct 17, 2019 5:17 pm

zyz wrote: Hello,
70% position take for Maxbet at AC, starting from today...bad news..
Let's see how will proceed others brookers..
What does this mean?
The limits will be 30% of real accounts?
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Thu Oct 17, 2019 8:25 pm

15% share for Premiumtradings...
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Fri Oct 18, 2019 6:08 am

Betting dead. No sbo, no ibc, singbet voids, what's next?
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Fri Oct 18, 2019 7:15 am

Blackoutt777 wrote:
zyz wrote: Hello,
70% position take for Maxbet at AC, starting from today...bad news..
Let's see how will proceed others brookers..
What does this mean?
The limits will be 30% of real accounts?
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Fri Oct 18, 2019 8:24 am

apoel81 wrote: Betting dead. No sbo, no ibc, singbet voids, what's next?
Taking into account that many sharp action outlets are going down the cliff, it is my fear that Pinnacle alone will not be able to handle it. 10 years ago, there was a lot of mug action. This action is still there, but the sharp action takes a bigger part of the pie each day.
It remains to be seen, after 13 years of US ban, what kind of action will jump out of there. Maybe this revitalizes some markets.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:30 am

Personally don't have expectiations from US market.

Mugs will use bet365/willhill. Once they limited they will go back to their 5dimes/bookmaker/bovada etc. The really good ones will be limited there as well and move to asia, hence more sharp action will go to asia.

The only solution i can think is new books to enter the market. Hoewever, this not easy as it first seems otherwise everyone would copy pinnacle lines, add the book in agent platforms and becoming rich.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:35 am

Which betting brokerage offer to their customers to bet on Horse Racing? Basically I need access to Betfair/Betdaq to back and lay. I've read that with Orbit Exchange one can not use "lay", only "back".
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:21 pm

Are there any normal asian agents left with whom European can open account and who has a nice selection of bookies? I use sportmarket now and current games are mostly offered in SING and SBO which is total BS. SING voids as they feel and SBO has low limits.

I saw that VODDS is offering now SBOIBC, stating that should offer same lines as SBO and IBC but dont know about bet voiding.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:42 pm

Hello, first of all I want to apologize for my English. I'm a french user...!!
I want to trade seriously on plateforme like Betfair. It's impossible for French user to have an access to this betting exchange place. So I need to have a betting agent. I 've read that bet in asia doesn't deal with french and sportmarket too.
I know Asianconnect deals with french.
I don't know if Premium Tradings deals with french.
Do you know,which one is better for a small user like me, i want to start with 1000 or 2000€. I know it is very humble beginning, but I don't want to go too fast and I want to avoid big mistakes. Thank you.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:48 pm

AL418 wrote: Hello, first of all I want to apologize for my English. I'm a french user...!!
I want to trade seriously on plateforme like Betfair. It's impossible for French user to have an access to this betting exchange place. So I need to have a betting agent. I 've read that bet in asia doesn't deal with french and sportmarket too.
I know Asianconnect deals with french.
I don't know if Premium Tradings deals with french.
Do you know,which one is better for a small user like me, i want to start with 1000 or 2000€. I know it is very humble beginning, but I don't want to go too fast and I want to avoid big mistakes. Thank you.

I would advise you to go with Asianconnect and try to get reffered by ARBUSER so you can get some protection in case. Premiumtrading is good but just like the name suggest, PREMIUM and so you will be killed with some useless Terms and conditons from them sorry to say. They will also charge you so much on withdrawl and even deposit. This are very little with Asian connect and if you are using bitcoin it is almost free. So go for Asian connect but i will advise you to have alot of document because those guys will ask you for the hairs in your ass.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Tue Apr 07, 2020 9:09 pm

Ok. Thank you very much for your answer. It will be very helpfull! I will open an account on  asianconnect and try to be refferes by arbuser.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Wed Apr 08, 2020 8:37 pm

AL418 wrote: Hello, first of all I want to apologize for my English. I'm a french user...!!
I want to trade seriously on plateforme like Betfair. It's impossible for French user to have an access to this betting exchange place. So I need to have a betting agent. I 've read that bet in asia doesn't deal with french and sportmarket too.
I know Asianconnect deals with french.
I don't know if Premium Tradings deals with french.
Do you know,which one is better for a small user like me, i want to start with 1000 or 2000€. I know it is very humble beginning, but I don't want to go too fast and I want to avoid big mistakes. Thank you.
Go with orbit at Asianconnect or Betinasia and you will be fine.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Wed May 20, 2020 2:20 pm

Regarding Asianodds88, Goaltool, Black and SportmarketPro. How fast are the odds? What is the refresh time for each bookie/exchange? Thank you.
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Re: Comparing services and offers

Thu May 21, 2020 9:26 am

Kokos, CFA wrote: Regarding Asianodds88, Goaltool, Black and SportmarketPro. How fast are the odds? What is the refresh time for each bookie/exchange? Thank you.
I don't have the exact times, but goaltool is the slowest. The speed that you have as an end-user depends on other things too, unless you have fiber.

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