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Getting Max odds

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Getting Max odds

Thu May 01, 2014 5:48 pm


I am getting the max odds, on a II div european football series, usually going with the bwin open line.
I never got limited. I am doing just 2 or 3 bets weekly, with a stake around 100€ - 200€.
Luckily, even getting the higher odds, I am still on the red on bwin.

In your opinion, they will flag me soon? Or do you think I can scape from their radar, if I keep on the red and with stakes below 200€ ?

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Re: Getting Max odds

Thu May 01, 2014 5:50 pm

Bwin flags everyone who plays value odds. Even if your stakes are only 50 euro, they will limit you to 10 or less.
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Re: Getting Max odds

Thu May 01, 2014 5:55 pm

GLopez wrote: Bwin flags everyone who plays value odds. Even if your stakes are only 50 euro, they will limit you to 10 or less.
Strange, I am already betting with them for 5 or 6 weeks, and still not limited.

Maybe because I have never made a withdraw (like I said I am negative on bwin)? Or because I have this account for a long time (4 years) ?
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Re: Getting Max odds

Thu May 01, 2014 6:25 pm

tatankov wrote:
GLopez wrote: Bwin flags everyone who plays value odds. Even if your stakes are only 50 euro, they will limit you to 10 or less.
Strange, I am already betting with them for 5 or 6 weeks, and still not limited.

Maybe because I have never made a withdraw (like I said I am negative on bwin)? Or because I have this account for a long time (4 years) ?
Well those two factors you mention of course play in your advantage, but even then I have also had very old accounts and/or accounts big in the minus overall seen limited.
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Re: Getting Max odds

Thu May 01, 2014 6:28 pm

GLopez wrote:
tatankov wrote:
GLopez wrote: Bwin flags everyone who plays value odds. Even if your stakes are only 50 euro, they will limit you to 10 or less.
Strange, I am already betting with them for 5 or 6 weeks, and still not limited.

Maybe because I have never made a withdraw (like I said I am negative on bwin)? Or because I have this account for a long time (4 years) ?
Well those two factors you mention of course play in your advantage, but even then I have also had very old accounts and/or accounts big in the minus overall seen limited.

Hummm... I am not using any odds alert software, like most of the arbs do.
Usually the odds take 2 or 3 days to move, is not like the surebets thing where you need to act in a couple of minutes/secs.

Maybe the way I act does not fit on the common arb pattern?
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Re: Getting Max odds

Thu May 01, 2014 6:54 pm

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Re: Getting Max odds

Fri May 02, 2014 9:15 am

Just keep up what you are doing man, good job.
We all hope you can continue unlimited forever but the sad truth is people tried loads of stuff and techniques and people always got limited in the end.
But enjoy it while it lasts and dont be dissapointed when its over, adapt and think of something else

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