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Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:01 pm

Something needs to be done about this. Arbusers are you going to act considering that you were the one who allowed them to come onto your site advertising their services to your members?


Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:09 pm

doubledavis wrote: Something needs to be done about this. Arbusers are you going to act considering that you were the one who allowed them to come onto your site advertising their services to your members?
"let the buyer beware"

not arbuser's fault, we as arbers have to make our own decisions based on our judgement and evidence, only recently
there has been scams from canbet and sirbobet, gobetgo had much in common with these two, I for one as well as others
highlighted this on the forum, maybe saved a few from depositing with them so having them on the forum was a positive
rather than a negative, a couple of major posters defended gobetgo, which I found a little surprising and maybe misled some
newbies but at the end of the day we are all adults and make our own decisions.

and thank you for 3 more shame today, takes me to over 50  ;D ;D ;D
Last edited by yorkjoss on Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:27 pm

Exactly, arbusers or anyone on this forum cannot be blamed.
We each said our opinions on the matter, at the given time, and it is each individual's responsibility to collect the info make their own conclusions and finally their own decisions.

Cases at first were :bonus abuse and you are in trouble
Then it was : multi-account and you are in trouble
Now it is : Win big and request a withdrawal and you are in trouble

Chances are you will pass the phone verification, since now that you know it will happen youwill have a notebokok with all your gobetgo activities, but who needs the stress of talking all that crap with some bulgarian-dont-know english-phone-call-is-beeping phone operator?

And most importantly, who knows what their next ''improved security measures'' will include?
Notarised documents via courrier?
Proof of income?
Video of yourself while logging in and placing a bet?
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:28 pm

probabyl its too late to withdraw but all the people has to read to not open an account with these clowns
how can you ttrust someoen that enters the market with 101% odds ?? also a colossous like sbo will have problems to survive like that
anyway after a little research i found out that the following list of bookies are linked with goshitgo

if you are smart enough NEVER DEPOSIT ONE EURO ON THIS SITES!!!!!
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:56 pm

GBG knows that word of mouth spreads very quickly.
I think it's safe to say by now that their plan was to build trust (i.e. great odds and fast payments) amongst big bettors/arbers for a couple of months even if it didn't bring them any profit. More or less this was the same plan sirbobet had and it worked at least in my case (I trusted some serious arbers that had positive experience with them the first 2-3 months).

And after they attracted those big bettors/arbers start to do all those sneaky little tricks that we are used to from scam bookmakers in order to confiscate large sums or apply unreasonable charges. By the time everyone realizes that they don't worth anyone's trust, GBG will have gathered enough funds from players to close business and describe it as a "success story".
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 3:14 pm

doubledavis wrote: Something needs to be done about this. Arbusers are you going to act considering that you were the one who allowed them to come onto your site advertising their services to your members?
Is this thread an advertisement?
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 4:18 pm

this company became a joke.... tbh i am bit angry with myself because i defended them sometimes... "We have strengthened our security measures in the past few weeks" do you even care that noone will ever believe this kind of shit excuse? Why do you think that you make us any kind of favor allowing us to play at your site? because guess what you don't, we do you a favor.... It is clear that you have no intention of making a serious company and you will be another firework...  i hope that you will close soon enough so that are not bothered about you anymore....
Don't speak for something you have no clue.
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:57 pm

I never said it was an advertisement. But I know if I owned a website and everything came through me then I wouldn't have allowed these scammers to draw in any of my users. I called GBG out as a scam and to be avoided very early doors in their thread if you care to check and tried to warn people. I sometimes suffer from the greed over gut feeling that even the best arbers can be guilty of sometimes but even I saw that by playing with GBG you would be dicing with the devil.
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:25 pm

doubledavis wrote: I never said it was an advertisement. But I know if I owned a website and everything came through me then I wouldn't have allowed these scammers to draw in any of my users. I called GBG out as a scam and to be avoided very early doors in their thread if you care to check and tried to warn people. I sometimes suffer from the greed over gut feeling that even the best arbers can be guilty of sometimes but even I saw that by playing with GBG you would be dicing with the devil.
Your so wrong there!!! Thanks to this thread it prevented me from opening an account with Yorkjoss said we are all adults we make our own decisions and have our own opinions. How can Arbuser stop anyone opening an account with any bookmaker? Its impossible. It's down to the individual...
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 9:29 pm

Yeah glad of this thread too,went in very light and got out unscathed.As said before yorkjoss hit the nail on the head very early on,wisdom +1 for you!
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:09 pm

ilosemoneydaily wrote:
doubledavis wrote: I never said it was an advertisement. But I know if I owned a website and everything came through me then I wouldn't have allowed these scammers to draw in any of my users. I called GBG out as a scam and to be avoided very early doors in their thread if you care to check and tried to warn people. I sometimes suffer from the greed over gut feeling that even the best arbers can be guilty of sometimes but even I saw that by playing with GBG you would be dicing with the devil.
Your so wrong there!!! Thanks to this thread it prevented me from opening an account with Yorkjoss said we are all adults we make our own decisions and have our own opinions. How can Arbuser stop anyone opening an account with any bookmaker? Its impossible. It's down to the individual...
No you're so wrong there. If GBG was never allowed to promote itself on this site then v likely all those who have had money stolen and are posting here would never have even heard of GBG. Your attitude of me me me and I'm alright Jack so screw everyone else is far too common these days.
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Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:20 pm

Thordin wrote: Exactly, arbusers or anyone on this forum cannot be blamed.
We each said our opinions on the matter, at the given time, and it is each individual's responsibility to collect the info make their own conclusions and finally their own decisions.

Cases at first were :bonus abuse and you are in trouble
Then it was : multi-account and you are in trouble
Now it is : Win big and request a withdrawal and you are in trouble

Chances are you will pass the phone verification, since now that you know it will happen youwill have a notebokok with all your gobetgo activities, but who needs the stress of talking all that crap with some bulgarian-dont-know english-phone-call-is-beeping phone operator?

And most importantly, who knows what their next ''improved security measures'' will include?
Notarised documents via courrier?
Proof of income?
Video of yourself while logging in and placing a bet?
I am personnaly not be here to blam somebody of what's hapening to me
I am not a newbie in betting , as you said i take my responsabilty when opening account , it's my own decision and i accept it .

You can be sure that i was very careful before to bet big with them , collecting info , trying the website , check the payment process .
And all in all , as you said it'was my own decision .

I am came here to tell my story and to alert people of the reality of this bookie .

Sportoboy perfectly explain what was their plan and today it explodes .
Some people would say it was predictable  , maybe ...

Anyway it's a perfect example why people should be carefull with this kind of bookie .
They clearly know what they are doing , big odds , fast payouts , come in this forum on this tread to have a direct connection with customers , win their trust , all is ok during a few months and then ...

I bet we won't see any more reply from gobetgo in this thread .
Just hope not too many people be scammed like me
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Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:12 am

They just said they seized my 2,5k balance, because of some patterns with 5/6 other players, whom I didn't knew (except one of them, who might, without my knowlegde, have placed one or two bets at my place a few months back, and not big bets, just peanuts)

They were talking about patterns on the phone, said there was a 1 on 5 million change we were not connected. It was like this Nigel guy I was talking to, was making things up just for the fun of it. Those players, Russians, Spanish, and even Islamics as well, I really never ever heard of them. I just can't believe this nonsense.

I think I will just give up sports betting, as this is strike 3 (1 by agent via this forum, Canbet so called bankruptcy, and now this..) I thought I would be save, not arbing, nor having multiple accounts at the same sports books. But I guess I was wrong.
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Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:23 am

doubledavis wrote:
ilosemoneydaily wrote:
doubledavis wrote: I never said it was an advertisement. But I know if I owned a website and everything came through me then I wouldn't have allowed these scammers to draw in any of my users. I called GBG out as a scam and to be avoided very early doors in their thread if you care to check and tried to warn people. I sometimes suffer from the greed over gut feeling that even the best arbers can be guilty of sometimes but even I saw that by playing with GBG you would be dicing with the devil.
Your so wrong there!!! Thanks to this thread it prevented me from opening an account with Yorkjoss said we are all adults we make our own decisions and have our own opinions. How can Arbuser stop anyone opening an account with any bookmaker? Its impossible. It's down to the individual...
No you're so wrong there. If GBG was never allowed to promote itself on this site then v likely all those who have had money stolen and are posting here would never have even heard of GBG. Your attitude of me me me and I'm alright Jack so screw everyone else is far too common these days.
Nope your definitely wrong. Your attitude is blame blame blame anyone but yourself, which is to common these days!  You hit the nail on the head, because if GBG wasn't allowed to promote itself on here, I would have probably opened an account with them. By promoting themselves they've basically shot themselves in the foot. Come now mate, im a newbie here, but I know I don't expect nothing or much from any bookie!
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Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:07 am

All the advertisement here, and now all those confiscations of balances because of so called foul play / syndicate betting or whatever they call it. I feel like it is somehow connected.. that they were planning to steal lots of money from the very beginning. Maybe I am wrong, but from what I am reading (@sbr as well), it sure looks that way to me.

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