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Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:17 am

Hi, i also have a problem with withdrawals since chistmas.

I never had a bonus and since christmas all was ok.
I deposited a lot and i did some withdrawals that were settled after minutes by skrill.

Now, since christmas i am waiting for my withdrawals that are still pending!

I wrote 20 emails, after days i got one email:

"Please be kindly informed that while processing your issue, our team has detected IP address matches of your account with some other IP addresses. Your issue is currently processed and we will inform you as we have an update of your account."

Ok this was the end of december!
I wrote everyday since today, and no mail anymore!

My account is open! I can bet and win. But i get any answer, any call and any sign from gobetgo support.

We talk about 700 euro withdrawal request, not more, i deposited more than 5000 the last months,

I only bet live bets and some simple bets for fun.

No proffessional and so on...

Can anyone help me or tell me what is happening???

Is site closed, will be closed or why no support answers??

Can i do anything more to get my little withdrawal?

Thanks for tips and help
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Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:21 am

Gobetgo doesnt reply mails.
Yup, I have some funds inside too.
Last edited by Yngwie on Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:44 am

Always the same play, you lose...all ok. You play and you starting to win..they find a simple statement,like IP, bonus abuse or you were wearing a red hose on saturday and you will get blocked. Why are they still operating? Nobody has the power to hunt them down...its soo sad
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Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:57 am

MrRed wrote: Nobody has the power to hunt them down...
Everybody has the power to only play at established, respectable, reputable bookies ...
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Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:03 pm

salve sono italiano mi sono iscritto da qualche giorno sto scrivendo perche ho fatto un prelievo durante il periodo di natale da gobetgo non avendo ancora niente e non rispondono neanche alle email.Mi hanno chiamato anche al telefono e mi hanno detto tutto ok la verifica e positiva.
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Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:02 pm

so you think my money is away?

but why is my account till open and withdrawal pending?

did anyone of you get an answer via email from support last days?

perhaps the support has problems with emailprovider??

or do gobetgo prepare its closing??

really really sad that anyone can do anything!

i will never bet again online!

scam all over the web


Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:11 pm

zyko wrote: so you think my money is away?

but why is my account till open and withdrawal pending?

did anyone of you get an answer via email from support last days?

perhaps the support has problems with emailprovider??

or do gobetgo prepare its closing??

really really sad that anyone can do anything!

i will never bet again online!

scam all over the web
Zyko, you have been very unlucky, online betting is safe as long as you use reputable bookmakers.

unfortunately you have to be prepared to lose your funds as a similar situation arose recently with
Canbet and many people lost out, this sadly may be the case with Gobetgo as well, the fact that they have
not been on arbusers defending themselves as they have done in the past is telling.

Zyko, you say in your previous post, you're not an arber, just bet for fun, why not take up arbing and get back
the money you may lose from gobetgo with interest? email me for help if you like, you'll get your money back no problem
Last edited by yorkjoss on Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:37 pm

thanks for yours words.  had anyone of you contact to support team last days or is support really offline??

why does site works and livebets works fine. cant understand i could deposit thousands of euros. so i think gobetgo will close next days or do you have other informations?
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:28 am

I didn't recieved any answer from them too. But still hope that everything will be ok in next days.  ???  I have 1/5 of bankroll on it. ::)

P.s. friend of mine made few withdrawals on december and recieved everything on skrill.
Last edited by PepSLO on Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:37 am

i dont understand,

my account is open, gobetgo dont close it..

But support dont answer since 7 days! and withdrawals pending since 10 days.

what is happening??

can i have some hope??

do anyone get an answer or money last days??

if gbg will close, why do livebets and so on works at the moment?

its very very sad
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:38 am

if they would want to get as much money as they can, it would be more clever to make more "too good" prices.
but at this moment odds are exactly like in world market, react very quikly....strange.
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:50 am

"Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"

i think some people here didnt learn the lesson.....

how can you still bet with these crooks?!
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:33 am

seb31 wrote:
SurebetMonitor wrote: We are in process of analysis recent cases. If we find an obvious guilt on the GoBetGo end the red light will appear. For now, following our initial investigations in several cases it is not that crystal clear.

Provided someone has a clear evidence of an unfair treatement (but guys - serious one - if you were abusing them in any way, forget it) - please pm me with the very detail of the case and we will address it, since we reviewed them well. Perhaps there is something to be done or get some money back.


Dear Mike .
I have a clear of an unfair treatement from Gobetgo , they stole me more than 1000€ without any valid reason and i never abused them in anyway . i explained in detail in this thread how they abused me .
I will be gratefull if you could have a look at my case .


Dear Mike , i see you came here everyday but no more replies in this thread , and none reply to my MP .
Should we consider that you finally don't want to help people who have been owed by gobetgo ?

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Tue Jan 06, 2015 6:21 pm

Now they don't even have facebook page anymore.
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Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:52 pm

And if the Facebook site is off...this means, they startet to delete this account before 2 weeks (because FB deletes acc. only if you request it and dont login for the next 2 weeks. So no login since 2 weeks and after that,the account will be deleted). So all was planed!

Twitter still online,but no tweets since a week and customers complain also at twitter and they don't delete this...soooo you all know what this means....

They stole our money and taking the next flight to an island where nobody can get them and after some years, they will come back and life with our millions a normal life.

Nobody will now see his money. If there is 1 customer who received a withdraw or answer from support in the last 3 days...please post here!
Last edited by MrRed on Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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