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Greek Stock Market

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Re: Greek Stock Market

Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:24 am

Hello and Happy New Year to evrebody!

Greek General Index at high pick after 2,5 years!

Still waiting the 1453.....

Many analysts at Greek forums predict movement of general index up to 1350-1444. What is the name of Greek analyst you follow?
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Thu Feb 06, 2014 6:57 pm

Hello  everybody !
When this 4th wave will be ended???
To much stress with the volality of general index
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:46 pm

Today's closing above 1270 shows that wave 4 is not finished yet.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:03 pm

Hello everybody ,
The greek general index reach a new top.
and now what?
Do you have time to post the diagram?
What about 4th wave?
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:03 pm

good afternoon guys
seems to be at 4th and waiting the final 5th.
I hope 5th to be ended oner 1415 in order to have more chances for over 1453
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:03 pm

If the final 5th negative and catastrophic wave started, then we might set as a first target the zone 1095-1115.
Then we might say that the zone 981-991 would be an other stop over.
An important wave should stop around 789.
It is too early to name waves yet, but if the above mentioned levels prove right, then 471 is not the bottom.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:34 am

The 1220 support is not strong.
We are watching a minor 5 wave expecting to end in, 1177, or 1142. These are fibo levels.
We will then see a wave 2 of a bigger degree.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Fri May 16, 2014 4:05 pm

Today's close 1088. These last 2 days I ve seen signs of panic. I would say that we can have a safe bet here fow a wave 2, but let's see if we can buy something cheaper below 1050.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:55 pm

Arbusers wrote: Today's close 1088. These last 2 days I ve seen signs of panic. I would say that we can have a safe bet here fow a wave 2, but let's see if we can buy something cheaper below 1050.
out of curiosity how much roi do you expect from your stock market activity?
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Thu Jul 10, 2014 4:01 pm

cortomaltese wrote:
Arbusers wrote: Today's close 1088. These last 2 days I ve seen signs of panic. I would say that we can have a safe bet here fow a wave 2, but let's see if we can buy something cheaper below 1050.
out of curiosity how much roi do you expect from your stock market activity?
I m not trading here. My aim is to find mid-term bottoms and invest a moderate amount of money, or, long-term bottoms and invest something big. I m working with cycles and not roi's.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:20 am

I m uploading a quick count of Elliott waves. Reasoning and more details when I find time.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:50 pm

Just a quick update of our performance with the Greek general index during these last years.
In my July 10th 2012 post I presented the Elliot wave counting for the Greek index that remains correct even today.
In my September 17th 2012 post we suspected the end of minor wave 3, that was validated in my October 2nd 2012 post. In the same post, we named 1450 as the limit where the bear market would be finished and a new super cycle would begin.
In my October 7th 2012 post I pinpointed 1052 or 1411 as end of wave 4.
In my December 24th 2012 post I declared the end of wave 4 and suggested that everything should be sold. This declaration was premature because the General Index moved higher, but it was proved to be very much correct because it kept me out of the market without any loss.
In April 26th 2013 I presented 2 possible scenarios for the Greek General Index. Even though I preferred scenario 1 as dominant, scenario 2 was proved to be correct. This didn’t cause me any damage because I was already out of the market as previously described.
In my May 10th 2013 post (with the General Index at 1030) I detected the zone of 1381-1411 as the end of wave 4. Wave 4 ended in 1369.
The conclusion of all these, is that I managed to keep my capital intact, even though the challenges were immense. Another conclusion is that I can’t detect the exact turning point of each wave, but I’m very good at detecting the superciluim of major tops and bottoms. My signals are not exploiting the 100% of every move, but they do keep me in and out of the market safely.
I also explained the distortion of the Greek Indexes based on their compilation that produced an illusion suitable for political exploitation.
I will not mention my predictions for the turning points of August 2003 and November 2007, because arbusers forum didn’t exist those years.
Now, my task is to go as much possible closer to the end of big wave 5 that will also be the end of bigger wave C, the end of the super cycle. Theoretically, there are still possibilities that big wave 4 is not ended yet. The surrounding circumstances are not supporting this. A close below 813 will eliminate this scenario once and for all and will give enough evidence of where the bottom will be.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:50 pm

Here you are. Simple and clean prediction with no Ifs, almosts, and probablys.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:48 am

With my previous post, I managed to predict a 20% move of the Greek general index, from 940 to 756. You do understand that you are getting for free what others pay with high 6 figure amounts.

I decided to present the long term chart of the Greek stock market. You can see that the Elliott waves counting remains exactly the same since 2012 when I started this thread dedicated to the Greek stock market.,698.msg6852.html#msg6852

The Elliot wave counting, as it is in the end of 2014, can be seen in the attached image.

As you can see, we are now running the big wave 5 that will be the end of a bigger wave C. This wave C is closing a grand super cycle that started with the founding of the Greek stock market in 1876. The vast majority of the Ellioticians are not able to see this. The ABC formation started in 1999. We are now running the 15th year of this formation and we still don’t know how many more years will be needed for this formation to be completed. If we suppose that this ABC is completed now (I strongly doubt about this), then 15 years are more than enough to close a grand super cycle that started 138 year earlier. However, we will later see that this ABC is not completed yet, and more time is needed. The Greek stock market started in 1876, embodying the embryonic economy of the years 1821-1876. This is why I say that this grand super cycle started in 1821. Most of the Ellioticians are ironic against me when I say this, but so far I am right (with 100% accuracy) and they are wrong. I have the privilege not to care about their opinion while they have the necessity to care about mine.

This is the first and very important result of my analysis. The closing of the grand super cycle.
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Re: Greek Stock Market

Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:30 am

I’m about to present my analysis on the future of the Greek stock market, and draw relevant conclusions . Each country’s stock market reflects to a large extend the position of this country within its neighborhood and the rest of the world. Greece, being no exception, is fortunate and misfortune at the same time to be located in a sensitive part of the map, at an intersection of cultures, continents, seas and interests. This position inherently guarantees that the country is either protagonist or observer of successive adventures unfolding in its front door or even within its territory. Let’s not forget that Greece has been the most valuable geopolitical trophy in the planet from 1919 until 1989. Those with knowledge on geopolitics understand what I’m talking about. The cold war era (1949-1989) and the division of the world to distinct pacts, protected Greece from major geopolitical events. This period is long time gone and no magic hand is there to protect the country from its citizens or its enemies. Factors equally capable and willing to harm Greece.
That was a long indeed introduction that will justify things mentioned shortly.
In my previous posts, I explained the Elliott waves counting for the Greek stock market. More importantly, I adopted an ABC formation. Waves A, B and C are consisted of 5 sub-waves of minor degree. We are now running the 5th sub-wave of wave C and my task is to find out when and where this C wave is going to end.
As we see in the attached graph (blue counting), the level of 470 has been tested several times since 1980s. To be more accurate, it has been tested 4 times. This is an indicator that the level of 470 is very much important and has the tendency to magnetize the general index. Keep this very important point. At the same time, according to common logic, when something is beaten several times, in the end it could be crashed.
The degree of the C wave that we are running is grand super-cycle. This means that it needs a lot of time to unfold itself. In addition, 5th waves tend to be the longest in time and prices in the Greek stock market, especially when we are talking about this degree. Because of these facts, I understand that the Greek nightmare is not going to end anytime soon. In this stage, I can only speculate the time length of the C wave by following fibo analogies. I don’t want to do this because these fibo analogies will produce a big number of possible dates and we will lose our focus.
Having said that, I understand that there are only 2 possible scenarios for the Greek stock market:
1st: Wave C ends near 470. In this case, we will have a failed 5th sub-wave. This is within the Elliot wave theory. It is not the norm, but an exception that occurs often. When we are talking about a failed 5th sub-wave, we are talking about a price range from 470 to 550. That means that we must be vigilant when (not if) the general index goes that low. This is a 31-41% move from the current level (791). A final bottom between 470 and 550 would be the positive scenario for Greece. A scenario that will leave Greece with a devastated economy and depleted population, but intact as a country. In any case, this level of prices will compel the general index to bounce and this will be a good opportunity for profit.
2nd: Wave C ends below 470. This is the negative scenario for Greece. A general index below 470 will mean that all achievements since the 1980s will be ruined and forgotten. It will put Greece within a Balkan context and not a European one. It also means that the level of 470 will become a roof. This roof will be removed (if ever) after many decades. The general index will be bouncing between the final bottom and 470 several times. The magnitude of the catastrophe will be immense. The country will be so much weak, that a major geopolitical event will be ante portas, dismembering it and producing irreversible results. According to Elliott theory, this kind of waves ends with revolutions, wars, or other major events of this type.
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