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Is there any non-fixed SureBet Calculator ?

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Is there any non-fixed SureBet Calculator ?

Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:59 pm

Hi there,

I'd like to ask if anyone knows any non-fixed calculator.
I would like to choose step-by-step the parts of a surebet and be able to check all the possible allternatives.
f.e. i would like to choose AH(1) f.e. as the first part, and then it will automatically show only the suitable choices to complete the arb.
Not sure if i explained it well, but its time wasting to check all the available surebet types until you find the one you want, i'm looking for a calculator that i would be able to choose "1" and "X" as the first two parts and then show only the available suitable combinations.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Is there any non-fixed SureBet Calculator ?

Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:05 pm

that sounds handy :)

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