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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:48 pm

Has Marathon put limits on new Greek customers? I have not opened a new account yet, but a friend of mine who did faced limits of a few euros from the beginning... Is it a new policy or has he done sth wrong?
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:12 am

From my personal experience, it has to do with IPs , classes of IPs, etc.
They took smart moves in the last months in order to avoid arbers' action as much as possible
Of course the most appropiate method was to decrease max stake to very low amounts and it seems they did it succesfully ...

Anyway, something interesting I found recently on marathonbet. If you lose there (over 2k eur) then in about 30-40 minutes after bets are settled you get an increase of limits :) (1250 >> 2500 for big leagues)

Very nice, isn't it ?  ;D
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:35 pm

Im confused about this one.
Lots of times I have limits from 1-5 euros.
Sometimes im lucky and find limits at 20-100 euros, moslty basketball, but if i dont bet them fast they drop little by little, like the market moves i think so.
Everytime another arber places a bet there i lose some limits i think :)
And i get lucky with hockey 2-3 times a week and find russian hockey bets at 500 euro limits.
Ive never found anything higher.
I find these limits since 2 weeks now that i made a 500e deposit with them.
One time I noticed a change in my max limit after making a deposit.
I saw a limit of around 50 but i didnt have enough so i made a deposit of 100.
Immediately the limit changed to 90+, but i dont know if its a coincidence.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:16 pm

Marathonbet on SBR with a B-.
Guys, it is an A book. An AAA for us arbers.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:18 am

New ID, new laptop, new internet provider. Marathonbet account opened yesterday. 2 bets and account limited to peanuts just after second bet was placed. A rated bookie? Not for me.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:41 am

lukaszs wrote: New ID, new laptop, new internet provider. Marathonbet account opened yesterday. 2 bets and account limited to peanuts just after second bet was placed. A rated bookie? Not for me.
It's ok. Leave it for others.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:12 am

It happened to me too, the same thing with limits after 2-3 bets.

But in the same time if your first bets are not surebets or you are not touching their "soft lines" than you have a chance for that account to last long. I wish I have a method only to lose at marathonbet and win to other bookies (betfair, asians, etc.) but unfortunately there is no way to find it. When you hit them hard and make first withdrawal then things will change for sure, because their traders are not sleeping and also they do have risk management department who actively monitoring what I call "sharp players action"

Arbusers has right, it's an AAA for us arbers. Believe me, they have the smallest juice on many markets, even a lower juice than asians. I saw it something like 1.2% in some of them. So yes, they do have potential to become a second "Pinnacle" bookmaker if they can sort out this limitation problem and allow arbers as Pinny do :)

IMHO is a must have bookie for an arber and his action !
As well, I can consider it to the same value as Pinnacle
Last edited by BHT on Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:18 am

Let me just add here that Surebet Monitor covers them better than any other service, including secondary markets, secondary O/U lines, asian handicaps and many sports.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:44 am

Arbusers wrote: Guys, it is an A book. An AAA for us arbers.
It was an AAAAA book for me but just recently they implemented some changes in their system so its not AAA anymore, maybe B or C now.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:12 am

KenWilber wrote:
Arbusers wrote: Guys, it is an A book. An AAA for us arbers.
It was an AAAAA book for me but just recently they implemented some changes in their system so its not AAA anymore, maybe B or C now.
Agree. Betting on secondary markets forget, the limits are very low. On the other hand, betting in the main markets in major leagues, I get big limits but if is a surebet the limits are  ridiculous. Probably is to many people "hunting" the same arb
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:26 pm

You need to be first in line to get decent bet on main leagues. After some time they will limit you to pennies on everything.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:59 am

i wondering why someone can place arb with them and someone not.
always limited after few bets, but i see that with the admin of this site, for example, work well.
so what is the fix with them?
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:01 pm

I think they have a strategy to keep some high odds (knowing they are out of line) for a lot of time, and limit bets instead of adjusting odds. This allows you to repeat some bets over the time because the arb remains and they reset the limits every half an hour or so (in my case).

If you find an arb in a major league, limits are much higher.

Regarding deposits and withdrawals, AAA. Very quickly, always free.
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:10 pm

Hello to everyone
In my case with marathon i was able to place surebets more than 4 5 weeks even i was limited to 2.500 on major leagues, and when i hitted them for one day with 5 or 10 bets for 1k winnigs....oppsss the limits were 500 euro on major leagues and no more surebets... :)
i would like to ask you if anyone has the same experience and if I try to bet so to lose on this account would it stay for example atleast 2,5000 on major
It's pretty enough for me to make 10 12 euro a day by surebets
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Re: Panbet/Marathonbet

Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:43 am

That's how betting sites works, of course they will take chances also to get their parts.

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