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Who are the best tipster on blogabet?

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Who are the best tipster on blogabet?

Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:16 am

name the best to follow
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Re: Who are the best tipster on blogabet?

Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:39 pm

I spent the last months quite some time on blogabet, a bit as an experiment. I like the fact you can track bets or follow other people their bets. It also can give an idea on what lot of people are betting on currently.

About what tipsters are good to follow? First you have to realize that 95% of gamblers lose money. I think the stats for this site are quite similar. If this site has 10000 users maybe 500 will actually be long term profitable. Something i noticed often: "tipsters" might start to lose and they reset the blog (to hide the losses?). Then eventually they go on a winning streak that might look impressive in the moment and give the illusion of a winning gambler, the moment they start to lose they keep resetting the blog again. I don't really understand such people, at least be honest to yourself. That's why you can only judge on big sample size, at least 1000 bets. You can see at the left top if people reset their blog or not, if it says blog being reset 50 times that's a red flag lol.

Another problem with tipsters is the moment a tip is placed, the odds will drop. (If it's actually good) SO you will bet on it at worse odds and lose. This is the case with any smaller market and that is also where the most profit margin is. I think the whole concept of tipsters on any smaller markets just doesn't work for that reason. Why would you even "tip" and not just make the bet yourself if it's a low limit market. Some of these tiny exotic markets on pinnacle you can for example only bet 200 euro and that's it...

I seen some accounts being closed by blogabet for fraud. Probably because they rated their own bets wrong too many times. Be aware of this.

I tried it out with very small money just as an experiment. For now i still have positive stats.
ScreenHunter 2079.png
I was up 6 or 7% yield at a certain point but last 1500 bets been quite bad. That is also when i quit betting on softbookies, i only took bets on sharps. So i'm starting to think none of these people can actually beat sharps. 90% of the 5% tipsters that actually win are steamchasing?, but you could find such bets easy yourself. Just compare your local bookie with pinnacle or something, you don't need a tipster. To me what is only valuable is tipsters that beat sharps because you need some real knowledge for that. Beating bet365, you could just compare odds.

I never paid for tipsters, only free tips and i don't know if i ever would. It seems even more a scam to me as a concept. Because if you are semi-professional and you just track on blogabet i could kind of see that. But why would a professional gambling syndicate sell tips for maybe what 100 a month? While they could just bet. It doesn't make sense on low liquidity markets like betting markets are.

In theory i think expert opinion is actually better then the market as a whole, or it should be. In the end betting prices are just made by where money is flowing into. A market will consist of "smart" and recreational money. For example i remember Floyd Mayweather had a boxing match against Conor McGregor like many years ago. Floyd like never lost before, why would he against someone new? But i think smart money was backing Floyd and recreational gamblers Conor. So the closing line odds might have been not correct. You might think, if i follow the smart money i will also win. But the incentive of tipsters are wrong because why would you share tips? And then it's full of scammers. If i was a bookie like Pinnacle i would actually flag my customers, when anyone shows to be a winner. I wouldn't ban them but use it as information for my odds. Then if you have customers always losing you can also flag them. Then i would look not only where is the money betting on but also who. But this is probably even better strategy and different then this whole blogabet thing because the real big gamblers will not tell you what they are betting on. Bookies have some non public information.

I think just as recreational gambler the only way to somewhat tell where the money is coming is by checking charts on betinasia. I think this is more +EV then just following some tipsters on blogabet... The best is just building your own models but also hardest to do.
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