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How much is enough for you to retire?

5.000.000 €+
2.000.000 €+
1.000.000 €+
500.000 €+
200.000 €+
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Re: Retirement

Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:51 am

...but don't forget that ANY other official income apart from arbing in that "grey zone" resulting in taxation!!! :(
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Re: Retirement

Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:10 pm

With the current economic situation in Europe I would imagine there must be quite a bit of Loan-Sharking going on. It's one effective method of churning your capital unofficially 'off the books'...    ...if you have the stomach for it. If not collections can always be contracted out to some brute who'll want a cut of the action.
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Re: Retirement

Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:10 pm

Flashback time fellas. This topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.

Anyone have a retirement date on his mind?

10 July 2016? Right after Euro 2016.
Or after 2018 World Cup?

Re: Retirement

Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:36 pm

Yngwie/Sawyer wrote: Flashback time fellas. This topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.

Anyone have a retirement date on his mind?

10 July 2016? Right after Euro 2016.
Or after 2018 World Cup?
retirement is hard, to retire you must go from much success to no success.

do not underestimate what arbing does to the brain, an arber is most probably addicted to the
"buzz" he feels from his success, to remove this completely may not be healthy?

I too wish to retire one day but maybe this will only happen because of a decline in profits,
and not through a pre planned set date like the 2018 world cup, after all a new football season
quickly follows a world cup!

when things are going well, retirement for me would be impossible, I need my drug, I'm addicted,
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Re: Retirement

Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:18 pm

when things are going well, retirement for me would be impossible, I need my drug, I'm addicted
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Re: Retirement

Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:51 pm

yorkjoss wrote: when things are going well
What if things are not going so well? Then the emotions go in completely opposite direction. At least for me.
If we're speaking about retirement then I don't feel that I should retire if I'm able to work like 1-2 days a week on average and still make a decent living
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Re: Retirement

Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:07 am

One thing you should take in mind is inflation. Today's one million euros might not have the same value some years later. In general investing in hard cash might hide some dangerous but in any case cash should be aside to take advantage of fast developing situations.
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Re: Retirement

Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:26 pm

Beside my arbing I have a huge passion for the stockmarket, I'm placing my arbingsavings there. Different kinds of companies in different areas of the world, spreading the risks. Every year I get a nice revenue by doing nothing besides being a stockowner in companies. So my suggestion is to learn and read about how to be a decent stockinvestor and that way continue the growth of the arb-savings. You actually learn a lot about how macroeconomics work, and how society works when you get inside the stockmarket.

But of course, to invest long term in stocks like I do, does not give me anything near the rush I get when I'm arbing.

I'm not even near retirement and I have a long way left to the 200.000 €

I'm going to arb for the rest of my life, I will never retire. But of course I am not going to arb as much as I do now. just when I feel for it, it could be a nice thing to do sometimes when I'm 80 years old or whatever. ;) But I guess if my eyesight and brainfunction goes down I  must tell someone to keep me away from arbing at that point  :o or else it can end up in tragedy  :P

Last edited by swedplay on Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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