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Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

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Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:40 am

Hi guys!

I have a question for all of you who make a living from smart betting.

When someone asks you what your job is, are you lying to them or telling the truth and if you are telling the truth aren't you a little afraid of attracting attention because what we do is someone's dream job and they think it's impossible until they hear from someone that actually someone make a living from it and get attention is the possibility that those people who stay interested in it will sature arbing and people who start arbing will reduce your profits, especially in your country because they use the same bookies, if you understand what I'm trying to tell you here, because this is a competition about who will catch the appropriate odds first.

Also when you meet a girl, how do you tell her without her thinking that you are some hardened gambler, because as soon as they hear about betting, they don't know that there is such a thing as smart betting, and if you say that you can bet without any risk, she will think that you are either lying or smartening up.

I tell people that I trade so I don't lie, because I trade odds haha, and I don't say anything about betting because they think I trade forex or cryptocurrencies, so I build my speech on that because I know strategies in trading, after which I talk a little about it and say that I don't make money from that, but from other types of trading that I don't want to talk about.

What about you fellas, how do you talk about this with others? :)
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:46 am

My wife knew about my profession from all the beggining but as most women no matter how much you earn, how consistent you are with bringing decent money month after month, year after year she still describe it as "gambling". My close friends know about it as well but no one else. I dont talk with others how much I earn, how I earn, people are jealous less they know better for me, them, our relations. Dont know about other countries but here people can be jealous because of 20 euro more you earn a month, they are jealous because of new car you bought so its better they think you work 12 hrs a day putting dumb numbers in Excel than sitting with a can of beer trading Barcelona to score two in first half. People know that I work from home so keep telling them I work remote in IT, thats it.
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:51 am

When people ask me about what I do -
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:00 pm

I tell everyone that I am software engineer working remotely (which i was). Some of my friends are gambling, I tell them they are just wasting money (which they are). I knew guys with serious gambling promblems, end up in huge debts. Even my wife doesn't know. A lot of people in my circle are gambling. It's like an epidemic.
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:43 pm

Jesse Baxter wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:00 pm
I tell everyone that I am software engineer working remotely (which i was). Some of my friends are gambling, I tell them they are just wasting money (which they are). I knew guys with serious gambling promblems, end up in huge debts. Even my wife doesn't know. A lot of people in my circle are gambling. It's like an epidemic.
Well, that's a really high level of secrecy. I couldn't live like that. 8)

Of course, this would always be a big problem on a social level. Gambling(smart or not) is something that ordinary people (and especially women) perceive as a bad thing, they don't believe that you can earn money. And of course it is not very smart to explain to them and give detailed instructions.

I personally have a story of trading shares etc. And only a few close people know the truth and of course my girlfriend too, I don't understand how to hide it from her when I work over the weekend and she can see it on my computer. :)
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:40 pm

Grant wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:46 am
Dont know about other countries but here people can be jealous because of 20 euro more you earn a month, they are jealous because of new car you bought so its better they think you work 12 hrs a day putting dumb numbers in Excel than sitting with a can of beer trading Barcelona to score two in first half. People know that I work from home so keep telling them I work remote in IT, thats it.
Agree 100% with this, and about people being jealous same thing here bro, maybe we both live in same country ;D
axelT wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:51 am
When people ask me about what I do -
:D :D :D :D :D
Jesse Baxter wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:00 pm
I tell everyone that I am software engineer working remotely (which i was). Some of my friends are gambling, I tell them they are just wasting money (which they are). I knew guys with serious gambling promblems, end up in huge debts. Even my wife doesn't know. A lot of people in my circle are gambling. It's like an epidemic.
I'm good with a group of people who are just like the people you described here and it's painful for me to watch what they do and listen to how pissed they all are, I told them the same thing, they throw money away but it goes in one ear and immediately comes out the other...
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:37 am

You wouldn't want to consider telling it as your job. Rather I'd advice you to tell other people that you WFH as an account manager, etc. As long as you can back it up with a story. Also, as long as you are successful with what you are doing, it will show on your assets like having your own house, car, and more. Doesn't have to be fancy but all those will make your words solid as steel! Of course, don't forget to have confidence when telling all those white lies.
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:40 pm

For a almost decade I have been telling people around me, who want to know, about this activity. They seem interested as much in this, as I am keen to know about their dental clinic, their consulting job, their advertisement company, their schoolteaching job, etc. People seem interested, but just briefly, then they usually want to talk about their own profession. Everyone who likes what they are doing is having their own dream job. If they wanted this job, they would start applying for some sort of guidance or apprenticeship. Noone does. At most, they offer their service as passive collaborators either as a kind gesture or expecting some kind of share in the profits. I recently told my bank everything they needed to know in order to comply with the anti-money laundering requirements. I sent them the financial statement with regards to betting and in return they raised the deposit limits. No problems at all. I also contacted the tax administration for guidance on what to do with the income declaration. Again, without any problems.

Of course, people may find themselves in different situations, countries and different environments where the experience described above would be very different.

I just try to avoid talking honestly to 2 types of people: shop owners and desperate gambling addicts.
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:17 pm

Congrats on the thread,

My short comment:

(1) Personal Mind strengths/characteristics.
Personal Self-Consciousness has been widely discussed, starting from the hypotheses of ancient Greek philosophy to the views of modern Western civilization.
The strength and calm Mind of one's strong Self-Consciousness personality respect reasonable individuals and their particularities, regardless of personal differences. At the same time, the confidence and the everyday life activities of Self-Consciousness people never ever depend on one's negative opinions and can mitigate/avoid the influence of a bad environment, and also they strive for good and positive friendships, creating substantial barriers to unwanted influence. The product of their everyday life/activities is OK for them and also for everyone around them.
The contemporary hidden autocracies and also visible juntas hate people, having (1).

(2) Good Environment Level 2.0.
Naturally, in general, life and personal activities/interactions are much more enjoyable when the environment/society as a whole is at a much higher level of empathy, respect for individuals and private property, high-quality legislation/human rights, lack of recent autocracy etc.
The highest level of (2) is achieved by countries in the Top 5 / Top 10 of the Human Development Index & the Happiness Index - see the spirit of the VidaBlue's opinion.

In brief:
- Condition (1) is mandatory for personal enlightenment in everyday life and reaching a clear Mind and success in personal activities/business;
- Condition (2) strongly favors personal success provided that (1) exists, but does not guarantee success per se;
- (1) & (2) is the ideal combination - re-read again VidaBlue's opinion. Don't you think he resides somewhere at the Top 5 or 10?
I wish (1) & (2) to all the participants here.

Addendum: While attacking from the outside, the barbarians may try to shake the basis and disrupt the values ​​of modern Western civilization's Level (2.0) from within by seeding lots of manipulations/fake news/propaganda over ignorant people. Therefore, it is very important that as many people as possible develop the condition (1) as an antidote, the same way the ancient Greeks discussed Self-Consciousness.
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:20 am

I'd say try to not put yourself into positions where people might ask. If you hear people talking about their professions maybe go to the bathroom and wait to jump into the conversation after they've switched topics. Avoid talking about it to known gamblers as you might make them even more eager to gamble and put themselves in a worse position.
You also might not want to tell anyone that could figure it out and end up delving into complete hedonism with the money and end up ruining themselves.
Last edited by enki cuervo on Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Sun Jul 07, 2024 9:53 am

My own approach is that I never bring up the subject myself. If I am asked, and I can't avoid answering, I say that I am in the betting industry. When people then follow up by asking what role I perform there, I respond that it is very complicated and keep repeating that until they stop asking.

Great thread by the way.
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Re: Smart betting as full time job and social life :)

Mon Jul 08, 2024 8:07 am

It's my first time hearing about smart betting and how you make a living out of it. Is it still feasible nowadays?

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