A winning bet settled as lost. Sportmarket offered only returning the bet.

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A winning bet settled as lost. Sportmarket offered only returning the bet.

Sun May 15, 2022 2:27 pm

Hello fellow forum members,

The bet was on Stjernen Hockey +0.0 on 4th April (PS3833 bookie).

https://www.flashscore.com/match/EHgLLu ... ch-summary

Sportmarket gave reason for this as a mapping issue. As this was part of an arb, I'll end up being 150eur in a loss if I accept their proposed stake return. I haven't had any issues with Sportmarket before, but didn't expect such "solution".

Has anyone seen anything similar happen with them? Shall I accept the "void" and go use my Pinnacle account to avoid risking API mapping issues again for no reason or we have any precedent from a similar case from the past?

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