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Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:35 pm

BeatBookies is offering 2 versions of its service. It is the classic alert service heading for the pro arber and bonus hunter/abuser, and the light version of the alert service heading for the big mass of semipro players. A very clever move by BeatBookies that gave it a dominant place in the market. Now let’s take a closer look to the heavy version of BeatBookies
The list of bookmakers that it covers is complete, and probably there are only 1-2 bookmakers missing, a number very small compared with the competitors. It covers perfectly almost every bookmaker. BeatBookies is one of the fastest alert services, together with ArbExpert, RebelBetting and SureBetMonitor.
BeatBookies is offering a big variety of Cross Market Arbs. The combinations are really complex. This alert service is offering the best filters, that makes arbing ''tailor made''.
BeatBookies alert service is available only for a limited number of clients, meaning that the competition among them is not tough. On the other hand, the rest of the competitors are also offering complex combinations of Cross Market Arbs meaning that this limited number of clients will face competition from elsewhere. Another strong point of BeatBookies is that it makes arbing possible, even if you are limited by the vast majority of bookmakers. You can maintain a high level of profits, even if you still have 8-10 bookmakers available. Also, when you find your self trapped, trying to finish a tough roll over requirement, BeatBookies will find even the smallest arb position to help you with it.
There is no standard price for this service, since it is the demand and the offer that will set the price. In any case, I believe that prices are high here, and you can get a similar service elsewhere.
The Customer Service is not a strong card of BeatBookies, because you might have to wait a couple of days before getting your answer.

Now, about the lighter version. More or less it is the same with the pro version, but, with a 5 minutes time delay. BeatBookies is very popular among the vast majority of MSE bonus hunters. A semipro will find a great tool here. The price is 100 euros for 6 months, and that makes it almost half a euro per day. Still, there is a limited number of slots available. A good deal for someone who wants to finish with roll over requirements, with out having to search manually.

Presence in arbusers: YES, but better e-mail them than pm them.
Verdict: GO.
Who should use it: A pro or semi pro arber, bonus hunter/abuser.
Last edited by arbusers on Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BeatBookies

Tue Mar 05, 2013 3:27 pm

i have register at them and im wait 2 months for full subcrition
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Re: BeatBookies

Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:59 pm

any active forum-member here ight now who could let us know about Beatbookies' performance, support etc. lately as it was mentioned also here several times, that their service dropped quite heavily the last year in terms of development, support, performance, etc...
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Re: BeatBookies

Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:10 pm

Best way to know if it is good / bad for your arbing needs is to test yourself. I give you free 14 days trial, please write a short review. If you think it sucks,
then please write "BeatBookies suck, stay away , use some other service" :)
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Re: BeatBookies

Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:51 am

beatbookies wrote: Best way to know if it is good / bad for your arbing needs is to test yourself. I give you free 14 days trial, please write a short review. If you think it sucks,
then please write "BeatBookies suck, stay away , use some other service" :)

Dear Community, thanks to Jari I was given a 14 day trial to check out his platform once again - here is my review:

I do compare Beatbookies (BB) to Rebelbetting (RB) as I also operate with that platform in professional mode...

BB 135€ / 30days - but limited to ca. 35-40 users only (at least is that figure spread by Jari - no one could proof in reality though - 2 years back it was limited to 30, so some kind of inflation here as well)
RB 129€ / month

BUT: RB offers better discount on longterm contracts:
BB 720€ / 6 month
RB 534€ / 6 month
so RB is ca. 25% cheaper on such a subscription

Advantages from Beatbookies (BB)
* Halftime bets  (RB does only offer Fulltime)
* some exotic arbs like O(2,75) - Total Goals 3 - U (2,5) - I was asking Jari for complete list of bet-types but didn't receive yet
* nicer filtering (subjective view for myself!)
* coverage of more bookies 83@BB vs. 41 @RB - especially some of the very slow & small Austrian bookies like Cashpoint, Admiral, Wettpunkt
* close circle of max. ca. 35-40 subscriptions available - so less people using same bets (no one knows how many subscriptions Rebel has for sale - I guess it must be several hundrets)
* more filters to define exactly what you wanna look for
* more different sports covered 12@BB vs 10@RB
* browser-based - you don't need to install any software

Advantages from Rebelbetting (RB)
* betting-browser - safes loads of stress and time to get the correct odds placed directly at the bookie
* quicker detection of arbs
* more arb-combinations (usually for example in same settings RB shows ca. 50arbs from 15 events, where BB has ca. 30 from 10 events
* no waiting list - you may subscribe immediately
* permanent improvements - new version to download every couple weeks - BB hasen't developed much improvements the last 1-1,5 years
* better/faster support

* Both services operate on a high level - depending on the arber's personal need he would decide using rather RB or BB...
* both are useless for live-arbing
* both do detect middles as well
Last edited by MUCHBET on Tue Mar 26, 2013 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: BeatBookies

Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:00 am

Thank you for the great review, you are my hero of the day  :)
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Re: BeatBookies

Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:56 am

Betvik wrote: Thank you for the great review, you are my hero of the day  :)
nothing done ;)
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Re: BeatBookies

Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:28 pm

Such a great review Muchbet! Thanks.

It´s a pitty that the service of Beatbookies is nearly always full. I would really like to test it.
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Re: BeatBookies

Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:08 pm

who is the best service for arb live betting?
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Re: BeatBookies

Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:01 am

freenow wrote: who is the best service for arb live betting? sitting 30cm in front of the monitor :)
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Re: BeatBookies

Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:16 am

MUCHBET wrote:
Betvik wrote: Thank you for the great review, you are my hero of the day  :)
nothing done ;)
is this a "great" review?????
there is no comparison such as RB vs BB,,,,,is like testing  fiat against BMW!!!!!!!!!!!
,both are cars,but on  the  overall quality ,there is a huge gap...
only possitive in RB is great support,BB suport is tragik,,,but the arb-service  BB  is above all...imop
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Re: BeatBookies

Thu Apr 04, 2013 10:32 am

I may just quote my conclusio...

* Both services operate on a high level - depending on the arber's personal need he would decide using rather RB or BB...

But I would suggest you tell us more details about your experience - it's a bit "thin air" just writing: but the arb-service  BB  is above all...imop

Looking forward to see your comments in detail, to get other forum members some relevant infos via this thread - thanks!
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Re: BeatBookies

Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:57 pm

bri999 wrote: Hi all,
    I have been with Beatbookies for 3 years, I am a full time arber,  it used to beat all the competition hands down but recently as has been posted by a few members the sevice hasn't been so good, now I see it is open to everyone, part of the attraction of joining beatbookies was it's limited membership but if this allows Beatbookies to return to where it once was then I for one will be delighted, the owner claims he is committed to returning and maintaining the quality of Beatbookies but needs more resources, I would encourage any arber to have a try with beatbookies even with a service not running as well as it was it is still a good service and if it were to return to it's glory days then it's an absolute bargain as I've already said I've tried all the main alert services and in my opinion none even came close to Beatbookies.
Did I miss something?
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Re: BeatBookies

Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:10 pm

Jaris own mail to all subscribers

" Starting today, BeatBookies will be open
for everyone.
I know this will upset many of you, but I
did not have many options left.
I need a lot more resources to keep
service running in a quality that satisfy me
personally and my users too. Price will stay
the same, high price will keep many of the
users using other services and if I feel that
I have enough customers / too much
customers I will stop selling subscription
slots again.
Feel free to send your angry emails to but I have
made my decision.
Best regards:
Jari Huomo"

i can't see how this alert system will be nr one again...they are still good at ht bets but i'm afraid beatbookies will crasch and burn...please prove me wrong...
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Re: BeatBookies

Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:23 pm

I've ran Beatbookies simultaneously with all the major alert services, it's was the fastest,
This fact was a consequence of a restricted amount of users. Making BB public will wipe out this advantage.

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