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Developing Surebet software

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Developing Surebet software

Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:45 pm

I wanted to ask if any user in here has developed his own software for arbing. I have unfortunately no skills in programming, but I thought arbing would be much more efficient with a software adjusted to your betting behaviour with your most used bookmakers. Has someone some basic info on this topic?

Just an amateur assumption: The odds are coming from xml feeds. The difficult part is to programme that your software compares the odds from same events and bet markets. Is this a good guess or how does it work?
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Re: Developing Surebet software

Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:17 pm

I did help a couple years ago a guy to develop  with my beta-testing - but no idea about programming that stuff :(
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Re: Developing Surebet software

Sun May 15, 2011 11:50 am

I wrote myself a program.
I can answer any questions on this topic.
The hardest part was to the actual directory names of teams in different bookmakers.
Logic of the prescribed once and all.

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Re: Developing Surebet software

Sun May 15, 2011 1:43 pm

So I assume you had knowledge in programming beforehand, right? Do you think you can teach somebody to build their own programme or would it be too difficult to explain?
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Re: Developing Surebet software

Mon May 16, 2011 5:37 am

So I assume you had knowledge in programming beforehand, right?
Yes, of course. Database knowledge and programming.
Do you think you can teach somebody to build their own programme or would it be too difficult to explain?
If you have a basic level of knowledge then yes.
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Re: Developing Surebet software

Mon May 07, 2012 7:03 pm

This is my first post here, so "hi everyone" =)
A few words about my background: I work as a quant trader and am new to betting arb.

Developping your own software seems absolutely feasible to me. In fact with the right knowledge and tools it's actually quite easy technically. However, there is some work to be done to support a large number of bookmakers, event matching, etc... Also, with the large amount of data to proceed, it's probably best to set up a remote server in the clouds to find the arbs. Of course, this has a cost which is I guess why some people who can set this up would rather sale their service rather than keep it for themselves.

xml feeds are a good start for a proof of concept but not updated often enough imho, there is a better alternative to get live odds.

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