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Pinnacle wagers canceled on 1st half AH market

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Pinnacle wagers canceled on 1st half AH market

Thu Mar 08, 2012 8:21 am

I had 2 voided bets at Pinny, on this selection: "Sporting Lisbon vs Manchester City (0 and +0.5) for 1st Half."
Evolution of odds here in "Asian handicap -0.25" section.

It was definitely a palp because the arb (between pinny & bet365) lasted about 2 hours because odds have dropped constantly and percentage of arb from 15% to 7%
As you can see, Pinny opened with wrong AH, they had M. City +0.25 instead of M. City -0.25 on 1st half AH market

I was wondering if someone of you had bets on this particular market of the game.
Of course, maybe some of you allready placed bet on bet365 and the only posibility was to cover the other side in bet365, because pinny just voided it ...

Do you have experience with similar arbs at pinnacle when they had bad lines and canceled some of your bets ?
It is interesting to find out this kind of stories.
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Re: Pinnacle wagers canceled on 1st half AH market

Thu Mar 08, 2012 10:46 am

Palps involving wrong handicaps are an occupational hazard in this game! You learn to spot them after the pain of having one side of your arbitrage voided (assuming you make a loss, of course). You can check the other markets being offered by the bookmaker to help assess if it is a palp.

I have had quite a few AH bets voided at Pinnacle recently. When I placed the bets I had considered them as likely palps but thought I would have a
gamble (and I do mean a gamble) anyway.

As I saw it there were two possible outcomes -
  1. Pinnacle void the bet : stake returned and no loss
  2. Pinnacle don't void the bet : I have a wager with odds better than the true odds of that event occurring ie a value bet.
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Re: Pinnacle wagers canceled on 1st half AH market

Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:04 pm

If there is a palp with pin, than they ll void fast. So you can also take the "pin-papl" and wait, if nothing happens for hours, than the bet will 99% stand, you can cover it just before the match start.

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