Sportmarket scam

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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:41 am

We had to delete alisa's account for violation of our Terms. We also deleted some of his posts without changing the tenor of the reported issues. We alarmed him with no luck.
Last edited by arbusers on Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:43 am

good move. I'm reading lately some very unfair 3ds against Sportmaket. One of few asian brokers who always acted professionally and fairly with his customers
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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:53 pm

thats not what was in discussion

Sportsmarket Pays
im a sportsmarket basher between commas however i have to aknowledge they are arguably the safest broker

It just pains me to see a deposit beeing investigated in such a evasive manner,with nano ledger cselfies for a 200 buck deposit,they can fuck off with that and stop giving other the same ideas
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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:02 am

Sportmarket Support
Sun, 14 Jun, 10:13
to me
ante martić,
A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #834456 with the following response:
Hello Ante,
Be advised that we need another document aside from your ID card, as advised in one of our previous emails. In addition to this, could you please advise on how are you acquiring BTCs you want to deposit? We would need to understand the flow you are using in order to send BTC to us.
For example:
- Source of income (bet winnings, salary, inheritance, dividends....);
- Source of income paid into Bank account;
- Bank transaction to Bittrex;
- Conversion of FIAT to BTC.

after found some old transaction  where I buy btc and sent them

Sportmarket Support
Sun, 14 Jun, 10:28
to me
ante martić,
A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #834456 with the following response:
Hello again,
Thank you for elaborating.
In order to deposit via BTC,we would require the following :
-Additional Government issued photo ID document such as Passport or Driver's License (front and back side) as we already hold your ID card.
-Additional proof of residence document :
You can also send us some of the utility bills such as electricity/gas/ TV/Internet bills, official government taxes or proof of residence from local municipality or the Police.
-confirmation of the amount you wish to deposit
-screenshot of the current available balance on your BTC Wallet
Looking forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,

after sent them all they wanted they respond

Sportmarket Support
14 Jun 2020, 11:00
to me
ante martić,
A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #834456 with the following response:
Hello again,
Please note that additional KYC documentation must be provided.
-Additional Government issued photo ID document such as Passport or Driver's License (front and back side) as we already hold your ID card.
-Additional proof of residence document :
You can also send us some of the utility bills such as electricity/gas/ TV/Internet bills, official government taxes or proof of residence from local municipality or the Police.
Once you wish to deposit via BTC, we would require also :
-confirmation of the amount you wish to deposit
-screenshot of the current available balance on your BTC Wallet
We remain at your disposal.

hm they want know how much btc I have strange. last time did't sent them but now send them screen shot of some wallet and all other they requested and here is response

Sportmarket KYC Department <>
10:34 (25 minutes ago)
to me
ante martić,
A customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #834456 with the following response:
Thank you for your email.
Could you kindly provide us with your international passport copy given the provided driver's license is issued more than 15 years ago?
In addition, we already hold your utility bill, we would need either bank statement or proof of residence document issued by local municipality or the police.
In regards to your BTC deposit, we would kindly ask you to take full screen screenshot where some of your personal details are visible, so that we can confirm you are indeed the account holder of the account you have provided us with th screenshot confirmation.

my driving licence expire 13.08.2050 and do not have passport. and idiots where on wallet can found my data??? so I should transfer to exchange and than take screen shot of balance with my data??? I give up from these motherfuckers. Just waste my time with them
Last edited by antemartic on Wed Jul 15, 2020 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:44 pm

Hello Ante,

Thanks for posting here - but I have to ask again, what exactly is the scam here?

Don't you have any other government issued ID that you can supply? Also, there is no reason to call us any names as that is far from professional and polite behavior.
So, please do explain, what is the scam here, or you are simply pissed that you don't want to provide additional ID document?

Also, I would assure you that if you "sent everything they wanted", we wouldn't ask for it again :)
Last edited by Sportmarket on Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:09 pm

Sportmarket wrote: Hello Ante,

Thanks for posting here - but I have to ask again, what exactly is the scam here?

Don't you have any other government issued ID that you can supply? Also, there is no reason to call us any names as that is far from professional and polite behavior.
So, please do explain, what is the scam here, or you are simply pissed that you don't want to provide additional ID document?

Also, I would assure you that if you "sent everything they wanted", we wouldn't ask for it again :)
did't say it's scam but your verification is terrible. you want docs and you wrote what you want I sent to you and after that you say something else. "You can also send us some of the utility bills such as electricity/gas/ TV/Internet bills," after sent you bill you want bank statement. you want screen shot of wallet I sent you and you want where is visible my data. there is no wallet with name and address. whats wrong with you. you wanted driving licence or passport I sent you driving licence and you rejected it's 15 years old??? you see expire date there??? 13.08.2050??
Additional Government issued photo ID document such as Passport or Driver's License (front and back side) as we already hold your ID card.
-Additional proof of residence document :
You can also send us some of the utility bills such as electricity/gas/ TV/Internet bills, official government taxes or proof of residence from local municipality or the Police.
-confirmation of the amount you wish to deposit
-screenshot of the current available balance on your BTC Wallet

anything from above I did't sent you?
Last edited by antemartic on Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:39 pm

Hello again,

I have communicated this with the Compliance and there has been misunderstanding I would say.
1. Passport hasn't been demanded, it was only a question and driving license hasn't been rejected, I've been told.
2. Ledger is HW wallet and of course there is no "personal details" on it.

Now, to be clear here - we have 0 incentive to ask all of this from customers that want to deposit with BTC, but until we get automated deposits (which is, HOPEFULLY, around the corner), we have to follow very strict guidelines from the Isle of Man in order to manually accept BTC payments.

As soon as we get 3rd party processor to do this for us, we will not require such detailed verification.

We hate it as well, we hate that we have to be involved in such conflicts, but regulations are there and we have to follow them.

Please accept our sincerest apologies if we offended you in any way possible it wasn't our goal.
Jorge Silva
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Re: Sportmarket scam

Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:16 pm

No problem whatsoever,keep asking all this insanely evasive stuff and clientele will just go to betinasia,like myself

keep up the good work

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