The AsianConnect88 deal

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The AsianConnect88 deal

Fri Aug 02, 2013 8:16 pm

The AsianConnect deal
This is AsianConnect’s offer for the members of our forum.
First and foremost, all referred by arbusers bettors will receive a 25% cash bonus up to €500.
You can get an account with the following bookies: Pinnacle, SBObet, Matcbook, IBCbet, Singbet, ISNbet, EasternDynasty.
Even if you already have a Pinnacle, SBObet or any other Asian account, it doesnt matter. AsianConnect will open new accounts for you.
Arbusers members will get an edge against all other players in the form of a cash back based on their volumes.
This cash back will be paid directly to your accounts each day, with the exception of Singbet that will be paid at the end of each month.
How is this cash back calculated?
- 0.05% for Pinnacle. If odds is greater than 2.0 (EURO odds), it will be based on the possible losing amount and if odds is lower than 2.0, commission will be based on the possible winning amount.
- 0.05% for SBObet, IBCbet, BetIsn, Maxbet, and ga288 based only on your volumes, no strings attached.
- 0.075% for Singbet, and Fujiabo
- For IBCbet and Singbet, cash back is paid on real volumes and not credit volumes.
- Voided, rejected and cancelled bets do not count in any bookmaker.
- These are valid no matter how big or small your volumes are.
- Volumes generated by the AsianOdds tool and Matchbook do not participate in this offer.
Keep in mind that you have to mention that you are a member of our forum upon registration in order to get this deal. You can do it via live chat, or by typing ‘’arbusers’’ in the how did you hear about us box. If you don’t mention this, you will not get the deal.
I strongly suggest that you also take a look at the following thread, so you have the complete picture of all available solutions: comparing-services-and-offers-t2267/
Thank you.
Last edited by arbusers on Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Fri Oct 04, 2013 10:54 pm

please i have some question about this asian connect

1. do they offer all the match and games like the other asian bookmakers i mean sbobet, pinnacle etc?

2. if you already had an account at this other asian about bookmaker, i hope it wont affect you to open asian connect?
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:03 pm

jagas wrote:
1. do they offer all the match and games like the other asian bookmakers i mean sbobet, pinnacle etc?

2. if you already had an account at this other asian about bookmaker, i hope it wont affect you to open asian connect?
1. They offer the same, or even more markets.
2. There is no problem if you already hold  sbo pin etc account. You can have an AC account too.
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:34 pm

with the fee be for every time i want to deposit or withdraw, if it is one time, it is ok, if not it is bad then, i wish i can change all my trading currency to euro too, seems like alot of bookmakers done like pounds. is that possible?
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:22 pm

for me works very well!
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:02 pm

I'm curious about how Asianconnect work.
May I ask for your opinion asianconnect?
1. They say they charge no fee. So what is his profit from? How can a business work with no profit.
2. They give me fake accounts of asianbookers and betting via VPN. Do someone of you experience any withdraw problem with fake account?
3. How can they have so many fake accounts? I'm really curious about this solution.
    I can't go to any of Asian bookers because of my country.
    If I can fake myself as other country people, it will be great help.
4. Does anyone experience betting with skype? Will the match be fast enough for arbing?
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:20 pm

They don't give you fake accounts. They give you real anonymous accounts. Is an agent for the bookmarker. They earn money because of the turnover they generate on those asians bookies.

I've been using for four or five months and never had a withdraw problem.
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:35 pm

I noticed they have a minimum €100 per bet. Is this limit only using their interface, can i place smaller bets by logging into the bookies?
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:01 pm

I have read this thread and AC web site. But don't understand well how the deal works. Is my following understanding correct ?

If open an AC account through the banner and choose a bookie, AC gives me an anonymous account with higher limit at the bookie. I can place a bet at the bookie using the account given as usual. I can use the deal even if have already my account at the bookie as long as have not ever opend an AC account. It's the benefits of the account given that I can get an extra 0.1% on top of my odds. Free deposits and withdrawals by Neteller are also the benefits. USD or EURO accounts are available.
Last edited by w62upr on Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:44 pm

You get the same limits from the bookmakers.
Euro accounts available only.
The 0.1% is paid as described above.
Last edited by arbusers on Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:50 pm

I'm running in AsianConnect for a while.
It seems my server don't cover the bookies well.
I'm using Rebelbetting.
It always met SBO with 10bet/Bwin/Betsson, which limit very little.
Can you suggest me other service that useful for Asianconnect?
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:40 pm

You get subaccounts in Pinn, sbo etc when you open an AC account.
Your alert service is working well.
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:36 pm

It's weird, I seldom see the arb cover asianbookies in rebelbetting.
What bookies will often match these asianbookies to be an arb?
Or maybe it's winter and there has few games, so the arb is seldom?
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:56 pm

for this purpose you can use bmbets surebet list; here you are able to select only one bookmaker and clicking on filter will display arbs with this bookmaker. In other words it shows you the top n arbs with the asian you have selected. But you have to verify them carefully, since often they are outdated.
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Re: The AsianConnect deal

Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:28 am

Arbusers wrote: Needless to say, that this offer is valid only for new clients. Those who already have their AsianConnect account, are not eligible for this and will not get the cash back. No tricks.
Hello Arbusers,
I had an AC account before opened with Muchbet  user. I had opened it just to see how it works, I didn't place any stake, nor made any deposit. Therefore, at the end of the trial period, they have deleted it. (these are their words)
My question is, in this scenario, do I qualify for an account tagged under your tree?
And if I already use Pinnacle, wouldn't it cause problems if I use the Pinnacle account from AC from the same machine/IP?
Thank you.

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