I think that when you arb there is a certain fact, in the long run (lets say 3-4 months of arbing) the most of the money will end up in the normal bookies' side, and not in the basebooks. That's epxected to happen, since the value bets are always the ones found in the normal bookies.
Since we accept the thing mentioned above...
What I 've been thinking, is whether it's worth giving a try to hedge the bet on the basebook's side. By that I mean that I 'll be betting in a way, that in case my bet is won in the basebook, I 'll have a zero profit, but if my bet is won in the normal bookie (the value bet) my profit will be double (compared with the profit I 'd have in case I arbed normally).
What do you guys think ? Has anyone tried it and if yes could he give the results he had?
I am all ears for your opinion, experienced arbers

p.s. : Some will say, why even bother hedging the bet at the basebook, just bet only the value bet. I guess that argument has also a basis, but then again, it's the risk you are willing to take...