I am new here and I would like to ask you some things related to sports arbitrage (of course)
First of all I would like to congratulate Arbusers for this really useful Forum full of knowledge around sports arbitrage. 15 days now I ve been reading every topic on the forum and even I havent started arbitrage yet I feel that I earned some valuable Xp points for the beginning. Congratulations also go to the forum members that actively contribute in this "Arbitrage Knowledge library".
Now that credits given its time to get to the point of my first topic:
1.Which 10 bookies do u recommend for the beginning of my arbitrage betting?
2.Will it be difficult to manually search for arbs? I mean, I want to give time in the beginning and experiment myself by trying picking arbs by myself. Is it too time costly that makes the Arbs services a Must Buy?
3.Which service do u recommend to a beginner?
4.Any free ebooks to share for arbitrage betting? PM me if its against the Arbusers policy to be shared in public.
5.Which sport is better to focus on in the beginning and which kind of arbs?
6.Is Moneybookers/Neteller a first spot in Bookies Radars, should I avoid it in the beginning?
7.MoneyBookers or NeTeller?
8.Which bookies from the one u recommend have the "Max Bet" showed to u and how u know which is the max bet in other bookies in order to place the sec leg? I m asking in case of placing legs between softbookies only
9.Which VPN u recommend and why?
10.It s not a sport for sharing top secrets but what about a few tips?

I know that some of the above questions have been partially or totally covered, I just wanted to have all my questions in one topic and why not to add a few later or added by others as well.
I would be really grateful if some of u reply to the above but even if u don t, feel free to "welcome me aboard" even with a "Hi"

I am really sorry for my bad english and thank u for your time reading my post.